Welcome to Xia’s Soil Systems Research Group!
The Soil Systems Lab at Columbia University
The Soil Systems Lab at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO) aims to leverage process and empirical modeling tools with multi-scale data sources, including field and lab measurements, survey and literature data, and remote sensing imagery, to monitor soil fertility, soil water and nutrient dynamics, agricultural productivity, and environmental losses across various spatial and temporal scales. Our research team primarily focuses on evaluating and advancing nature-based solutions by investigating the influence of environmental drivers, land use changes, and management practices on soil health and the associated ecosystem service outcomes in terrestrial ecosystems. The overarching goal of our research group is to tackle challenges related to food security and environmental sustainability.
Soil ecology/ Agroecology
Soil health/ Dynamic soil property assessment
Regenerative/ Conservation agricultural practices (e.g., cover cropping, organic farming, crop rotations, and rotational grazing)
Rangeland management
Soil biogeochemistry
Nitrogen cycling
Soil fertility
Soil moisture/ Hydrological processes
Carbon management
N2O and leaching losses
Nature-based solutions
Strategic sampling design
Research themes
Field sampling
Lab measurements
Process-based modeling/ Ecosystem modeling
Digital soil mapping
Applied spectroscopy
Remote sensing applications in agricultural and environmental research
Machine learning/ Artificial Intelligence
High-performance computing
Meta-analysis/ Data mining
Decision support tools
Environmental informatics
Stakeholder engagement